Hi, this is Bobby Glen James

I just want to thank you checking out the Story Magic Training today.
Now, Story Magic is designed to teach you how to create engaging, compelling stories that will make you look professional and comfortable on stage. But just telling stories isn’t enough to build a following and it won’t make you compelling if you don’t already have a compelling message.
Part of the SpeakUp vision is “To empower speakers to say what they were meant to say.” I know that you have a message in you. And because you’re still here, I know you’re looking for more but just haven’t found it yet.
And for that reason, I’ve got a very SPECIAL OFFER for you that’s going to help you get clear on your message so your stories are always on point.
So give me just 2 minutes of your time to explain. If you’re like myself and the majority of our users, you’re going to really like what I’m about to show you…

Now as awesome as Story Magic is, a lot of customers have told me that they wish they had a system to help them figure out what stories they should be telling to get the most engagement from their audience.

And so I've done exactly that because the more




You have, the MORE POWERFUL the message your story conveys. And the more your audience will identify with you.

If you understand your message the stories will follow


I’m providing you a special TRAINING offer that’s going to give you INSIGHT on how to connect with YOUR AUDIENCE by getting clear on your MESSAGE.

That's why we created the Message Magic Course

This training is designed to get you clear on what makes you unique and powerful as a speaker. Understand yourself, your passions, and how to use that information to give your audience what they want and need.

You have the Power to Change the World!

You will learn how to tap into your purpose to craft a consistent message that will resonate with your customers, audience, or tribe. Plus, you’ll get clarity on who you are as a person, speaker, or business to start attracting the people who resonate with you and want to learn from you.

Common Mistakes

I know you were interested in Story Magic because you want a super-easy way to create engaging stories. We've noticed that people who exclusively rely on their storytelling skills tend to experience some common pitfalls. These mistakes can make a significant difference in how your audience connects with you. This can be very costly when trying to grow your following.

  • Unable to recognize your value

  • Don’t Own the Message

  • Can’t identify your audience

  • Fail to ask yourself the right questions

  • Won’t listen to your audience

  • Not having a marketable message

With the Message Magic Course, you get:

  • Identify your Power - $15 Value

  • Find yourself in your Message - $25 Value

  • Know your Tribe - $50 Value

  • Questions that Matter - $30 Value

  • Draw a Crowd - $25 Value

Typically, we charge $67 to buy this course

But RIGHT NOW ONLY I’m offering you the Message Magic Course for only $27

This training is a companion to Story Magic in the Speaker Magic training series. It stands alone as a training for a person who feels they know how to tell their story but is not clear on their message. It provides the foundation that every speaker must have to connect with their audience with an arsenal of tools to make the most significant impact.


Stage Magic - $50 Value

Learn how to understand yourself and what kind of speaker you are. Become familiar with the 4 speaker types and how to use them to enhance your stage presence.

How to Book Gigs Guide - $25 Value

Use this guide to improve your current position as a speaker/trainer/coach and multiply your opportunities to share your message to the world! If you are going to take your story or message to the public you need a system. Book speaking gigs and make 6-figures using this system.



The Ultimate Sales Secrets - $50 Value

In this powerful sales training, you will learn three sales tips and three sales secrets that will turn your sales around. Who are you selling to? It isn't you. People buy for their reasons, not yours. Did you know that if there is no pain, there is no sale? The problem the buyer brings you is never the real problem.

Leap of Faith Sales - $75 Value

If you want to grow your business, it's not just about making sales. It's about creating, optimizing, and scaling a sales system. It's the most challenging but necessary to grow your business beyond yourself. It's about creating a sales success formula.

Get the whole package - $345 Value

  • Identify your Power $15

  • Find yourself in your Message $25

  • Know your Tribe $50

  • Questions the Matter $30

  • Draw a Crowd $25

  • Stage Magic $50

  • How to Book Gigs Guide $25

  • The Ultimate Sales Secrets $50

  • Leap of Faith Sales $75

  • $27.00

    $27.00Message Magic Course Bundle

    Buy Now


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